Sunday, May 19, 2013
I wish you all much success in your endeavors
Wowowee!! As this spring semester comes to a close, I would like to thank everyone for contributing to our little learning community. As educators and students, there is always much to be learned and taught from one another as we journey through our careers. The talent, knowledge, memories, and compassion that was shared are just some of the things I will take away from this course. I learned a lot of practical skills that I have already started to apply in my teachings. I wish each and everyone of you success in all your endeavors! I hope to see you around in the halls of SOE come fall semester!
-Julie :)
Friday, May 17, 2013
Thank you ALL for a good semester!!
I just want to thank each and everyone in our class ED481G and Dr. Rivera for a wonderful and meaningful experience this semester. I had a wonderful time with each and everyone in this class. I have learned a lot from the blog sessions, Moodle sessions as well as from everyone's personal experiences that was shared in class. I took this course not knowing weather this is something I want to continue on but now after sharing a insightful and a wonderful semester I am thinking to continue this journey I have started this semester. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and creativity as well as your personal experiences in the teaching field with me. Thank you all and have a great and safe summer!!
Beauty Letewasiyal
I just want to thank each and everyone in our class ED481G and Dr. Rivera for a wonderful and meaningful experience this semester. I had a wonderful time with each and everyone in this class. I have learned a lot from the blog sessions, Moodle sessions as well as from everyone's personal experiences that was shared in class. I took this course not knowing weather this is something I want to continue on but now after sharing a insightful and a wonderful semester I am thinking to continue this journey I have started this semester. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and creativity as well as your personal experiences in the teaching field with me. Thank you all and have a great and safe summer!!
Beauty Letewasiyal
Its Been A Good Time Together
(Be sure to listen to this clip!!!)
After the late night classes, blogging and moodling, and constant emails, we have reached the end of the semester and I have to say...."ITS BEEN A GOOD TIME TOGETHER!!!"
Thank you all for your insightful experiences, sharing your unique talents, and great collaboration! I have learned a tremendous amount of information and I am sure I will be applying it in the very near future. Through our ongoing learning together, I know that we will all become knowledgeable professionals. I enjoyed our time learning from each other and sharing with each other. I hope to see you all again! I wish you all the best of luck in your future endeavors. And remember, my fellow ED481ers, Its been a good time together and the best is yet to come!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Thank you and have a great summer!
Hafa adai,
I would like to thank everyone for being gracious and
supportive. I have learned a great deal
from all of you through our blog, forums, class discussions, and presentations.
I feel like I am better equipped to help the mainstreamed ESL students that
enter my classroom. The course has
reawakened my sense of creativity. I am
looking forward to developing new thematic units in my reading class that are supported
by a variety of genres and interactive activities. Making material relevant to students and
allowing them to have more input on topics and reading selections are ideas
that resonate with me. The experiences that
all of you have shared has made me more cognizant of what English language
learners are going through in school, both academically and emotionally. Again, I would like to thank all of you for
being wonderful classmates and sharing the ED 481 experience with me. I would also like to thank Dr. Rivera for her
insight and guidance this semester. The
course has definitely made me reflect on my teaching practices.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!
Farewell my fellow classmates
Dear class,
I would like to thank each and every one of you for creating a classroom environment that is fun, warm and very insightful. I enjoyed our discussions both face-to-face and online. Since the majority of you are experienced educators, I felt greatly humbled and appreciative to learn and hear your perspectives on the topics and issues discussed in class. Although, this is my farewell post, I know this is not the last time we will all see each other. Again, thank you for the wonderful classroom and learning experiences. I wish you all the best in your continuing studies, and I hope one day we will work together as fellow educators.
Jackie Fathal
I would like to thank each and every one of you for creating a classroom environment that is fun, warm and very insightful. I enjoyed our discussions both face-to-face and online. Since the majority of you are experienced educators, I felt greatly humbled and appreciative to learn and hear your perspectives on the topics and issues discussed in class. Although, this is my farewell post, I know this is not the last time we will all see each other. Again, thank you for the wonderful classroom and learning experiences. I wish you all the best in your continuing studies, and I hope one day we will work together as fellow educators.
Jackie Fathal
Farewell For Now
This is just my first semester for M. Ed. (TESOL) program, and I will be around for a while. I am glad to have known you and had you all as my classmates. My knowledge has become more well-rounded because of your sharing for the class forums and on the blog. Thanks again, and you all are awesome. Have a wonderful summer. I hope to be with you guys again in more classes.
It's been a great semester working with all of you in the class. I have truly learned a great deal regarding English language learners and what approaches/methods to use when working with them.The Moodle and BlogSpot posts have allowed us as a class to be open in our discussions on several different topics. I really enjoyed reading everyones response to the questions as well as the feedback given by peers to my answer. The in class activities were fun and provided us with the opportunity to get to know everyone. Overall, this class was a great asset to me as an educator. It opened my eyes to the many issues and concerns that ELL's may face when they enter the school system. The class had a positive effect on my perception and approach with ELL studnets. I will continue to use what I have learned in this class at my school site and with he ELL students.
Service Learning Experience
Because I am an undergraduate, I was required to have two service learning experiences. The first service learning experience I conducted was in my mom's 3rd grade classroom at Liguan Elementary. I read two books to her students, Pete the Cat: Rocking in my School Shoes and The Gruffalo's Child. They absolutely loved it and I had a great time as well. After I read each book, I asked a series of questions just to see whether they comprehended the books. I also gave out pencils and erasers as prizes. Of course, every single child got a prize for participation. They were so engaged and very willing to share their ideas. It was amazing.
The second service learning I did was with my 75-year-old aunt. I gave her a few options of books to choose from such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, Micronesian Legends, etc. She asked me to read her the bible. She said that her eyes weren't working too well anymore and it's been difficult for her to maintain her reading. I was more than happy to read the bible to her. I read verses from Matthew and Isaiah. I am really glad that I got to share this experience with her. I hope to visit her more often and read a few passages for her whenever I do.
The second service learning I did was with my 75-year-old aunt. I gave her a few options of books to choose from such as Chicken Soup for the Soul, Micronesian Legends, etc. She asked me to read her the bible. She said that her eyes weren't working too well anymore and it's been difficult for her to maintain her reading. I was more than happy to read the bible to her. I read verses from Matthew and Isaiah. I am really glad that I got to share this experience with her. I hope to visit her more often and read a few passages for her whenever I do.
Farewell awesome people of ED481
This has been an amazing semester. I met a lot of interesting and knowledgeable people in this class who has taught me so much in such a short period of time. I appreciate all your experiences and wisdom and I will take everything that I've learned academically, socially and personally to my future ESL classroom. Thank you so much for everything and I hope you all have a wonderful and great summer break. Esta laters!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
My Personal Reflection on the Overall Class
I really enjoyed this class. I learned a great deal about not only the subject of TESOL, but also about the teaching profession. While I never have taken a central focused education class, I did take a history class for teachers in my undergraduate degree. The professor had planned on a lesson plan project, but being there were other students like myself whose degree wasn't in education attending the class, she decided against. At the time, I had wished she had kept the project in being I wanted to see how to make one. Now that I have finally been able to make a lesson plan, I know how much work goes into it. It was a lot of fun as well though and I would like to try to make another one.
I really enjoyed reading all of my classmates posts and being able to speak with you all in class. This whole experience was a positive one and one I hope to build upon as I learn more about the subject of TESOL. Thank you and I hope everyone will have a great summer!
I really enjoyed reading all of my classmates posts and being able to speak with you all in class. This whole experience was a positive one and one I hope to build upon as I learn more about the subject of TESOL. Thank you and I hope everyone will have a great summer!
TPR interview by Dr. James J. Asher
This is a video I found online on TPR an interview by Dr. James J. Asher. Since my method demonstration is on TPR I thought it will be cool to share this with everyone else.
This is a website created by Dr. James J. Asher himself for TPR and I thought it will be nice to share with everyone else
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Post by FINA
Heritage Tribal Language Program
Immersion School for one of my classes. The school serviced children from kindergarten
up until the 8th grade. The children enrolled at this school were of Hawaiian decent
and a majority of them spoke English as the primary language within the home. The
schools schedule reflected that of a typical American school, with reading, writing,
mathematics, science, social studies, and the other content areas. However, the difference
was everything was taught in Hawaiian. Hawaiian was spoken throughout the school
day, during instruction and social interaction. English was taught on a daily basis for
a 45-minute period only. In addition to the regular content, the children also studied
a lot about the Hawaiian culture: dance, songs, and other traditions. When I observed
the school I was amazed at how advanced the students were in both languages. Many
of them came from households were English was the primary language spoken, but in
school the children understood and spoke the Hawaiian language with little difficulty.
It really opened my eyes to the positive effects of the Hawaiian immersion programs.
The Hawaiian Immersion School that I observed matched perfectly with the heritage
tribal language program discussed in chapter 20. The purpose of the Hawaiian Immersion
School was to teach the language and culture so that it could be revived and preserved by
the children. Since the implementation of the immersion schools there has been a great
revival of the Hawaiian culture and language among the younger generations of native
Village Immersion Program
This video clip expresses the benefits of the village immersion programs. It also features a group of Chinese teachers touring the village and gaining information to bring back to their country. The goal of the individuals involved is to develop and maintain a language learning program.
Two-Way Bilingual Immersion. Holland Public Schools. Holland Michigan
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Village Immersion Program
While writing my reaction paper for chapter nineteen, I was reminded of the village immersion program. I thought this was such a neat program and I actually wished there was something like this in the area I had grown up in. I'm sure it would have been more enjoyable than some of the summer camps that I had to attend being I love learning new languages. I found the website if anyone was interested in some of the activities or pictures they had for the camp.
Foreign Language Programs
Children learning Spanish, French and Chinese at Jabberu Foreign Languages for Kids in metro Washington D.C.Wow! It's amazing how these children are learning three different languages. I guess that is why they said the earlier they learn the better they become when they get older.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Method Demonstration
I think the assignment to present the choice of method or approach from the course textbook is the best example in putting the learned material to practice. That directly applies to the strategies that we have been learning throughout the semester. Everyone got to showcase their knowledge combined with individual experience and ideas towards ESL approach and method during the presentation. Reading a textbook is insightful, and when it is combined with practice and participation just like we did in the class, the conceptualized knowledge from reading is not only reinforced but also retained in our long term memory for further use of the knowledge. That certainly serves the purpose of education. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to carry out the method demonstration assignment.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Positive Experience Approach
The activities and comments shown in class today were excellent! Good job
to all presenters! I learned a lot and gaine many new ideas for the classroom that I would like to try. One activity I found interesting was the very last one, Dr. Rivera’s Positive Experience Approach. I think that that activity is a good way to lower anxiety and increase motivation within the class as a whole and as individuals. When students, old or young, are reminded of their good qualities they become more confident and enjoy their class and the company of his or her classmates. This activity can also be done as ice-breakers or small activities for extra
curricular groups or out-of-school groups. It is a good social motivator for even those English language learners who are new to a place. I will even do this for my students!
Positive attitudes create positive experiences!
to all presenters! I learned a lot and gaine many new ideas for the classroom that I would like to try. One activity I found interesting was the very last one, Dr. Rivera’s Positive Experience Approach. I think that that activity is a good way to lower anxiety and increase motivation within the class as a whole and as individuals. When students, old or young, are reminded of their good qualities they become more confident and enjoy their class and the company of his or her classmates. This activity can also be done as ice-breakers or small activities for extra
curricular groups or out-of-school groups. It is a good social motivator for even those English language learners who are new to a place. I will even do this for my students!
Positive attitudes create positive experiences!
Post by: FINA
I really enjoyed Julie’s presentation on Concrete Poetry. There were a lot of
great ideas I got from the presentation. I liked the worksheet on Figurative
Language it really helped to clarify and differentiate between a simile, metaphor,
personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and alliteration. Using songs as an
example for students to hear similes and metaphors was a great idea and resource.
I really enjoyed learning about how easy and fun it would be to incorporate poetry
into lessons for all students.
I learned so much and loved all the presentations tonight! Thanks for the wealth of
great ideas I got from the presentation. I liked the worksheet on Figurative
Language it really helped to clarify and differentiate between a simile, metaphor,
personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia, and alliteration. Using songs as an
example for students to hear similes and metaphors was a great idea and resource.
I really enjoyed learning about how easy and fun it would be to incorporate poetry
into lessons for all students.
I learned so much and loved all the presentations tonight! Thanks for the wealth of
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
ESL resource
The link above has many resources and games for use in the ESL classroom. I thought the board game section was very interesting as I think games help students reinforce the material they have learned in a fun activity.
The link above has many resources and games for use in the ESL classroom. I thought the board game section was very interesting as I think games help students reinforce the material they have learned in a fun activity.
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