Dear ED481/G Students,
I'm pleased with the work that you've accomplished, knowledge that you've gained, strategies that you've learned, and so much more!
In any event, it's that time of the semester again wherein we need to finalize all remaining course requirements. By now all assignments that you've submitted throughout the semester should have been graded. If I missed anything, please let me know as soon as possible.
If you haven't caught up, it is imperative that you communicate with me immediately. I have made considerations on a case-by-case basis with the understanding that quality work will be submitted.
Keep in mind that this Thursday we will be meeting in class. Be prepared to present your ESL Method Demonstration. We will also review Chapters 19 & 20.
As a recap, the following are the remaining topics for our class:
MAY 2:
-Chapter 19: Foreign Language Programs
-Chapter 20: Two-Way Bilingual and Heritage Tribal Language Programs
-Chapter 18 Reaction Paper Due
-LiveText Portfolio Discussion Continued
-Post Reflection in Class Blog at
MAY 9:
-Moodle online session–University of Guam:
-Case Studies: Teacher Narrations to Stimulate Professional Dialogue
-Chapters 19 & 20 Reaction Papers Due
-Final Self-Reflection Due
-Finalization of Online Portfolio Discussion
-Post Reflection in Class Blog at
MAY 16:
-Service Learning Presentation
-LiveText Portfolio Submission
-Post Final Reflection in Class Blog at
Be sure to also keep up with your blogging, as it is part of our online collaboration. You must reply/comment on your classmates' postings/entries as well.
As you know, I modified the lengthy LiveText Portfolio designing/submission in order to meet the needs of those who require additional time to complete the rest of the course requirements. Therefore, with regards to LiveText, you will only be required to submit the main artifact, namely the SIOP lesson plan, which was due on April 11, 2013. You may submit this in LiveText now, if you haven't already.
Good luck, keep me posted, and I'll see you on Thursday!
All the best,
Dr. Rivera

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