In my own personal experience, I found listening to songs in the target language that I was learning to be very helpful in my listening comprehension. I would first listen to the song and write down any words that I understood. Afterward, I would go over the lyrics in the target language while listening to the song again. I would then start to translate the song into English with the help of a dictionary. While I could have easily just found the song already translated off of the internet, I found that if I translated the song myself, I was able to remember new vocabulary that was in the song better.

I don't really like listening to songs. But growing up with the mother who has a great voice and loves listening and singing songs in English, I just naturally absorbed the language through songs. She was not intending to teach me but I think it was more natural to be exposed to the foreign language like that than how I learned it in school. Appreciation for mushic that you have surely has an advantgage to learn the target through music.
ReplyDeleteI am currently trying to learn a new language and I have found listening to songs to be helpful. Luckily, there is a radio station that plays Chamoru music. When I can pick out words I understand and piece a little of the meaning together, it motivates me to continue to learn. I'll try to remember key words in the song and look for the meaning later in my Chamoru dictionary. Using authentic material from the target language (contemporary and classic music) is very interesting to me. It is also a way for me to measure my level of comprehension.
ReplyDeleteI love listening to songs but not from the radio station or from the CD player. I listen to my mom and aunties sing and chant in our native language while I was growing up. I learned to chant just by listening to my mom every time she would chant. But Kaylynne I think that is such a great idea. When I was doing my student teaching at Agana Heights Elementary school, my master teacher would do that to the kids because it's part of the program (SFA). I think I can use that when I go back home. Thanks for sharing!