Active Engagement in Learning!

Active Engagement in Learning!

Role playing, storytelling, drama

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Common Core Standards

I learned (briefly) about the Common Core Standards and how important it is to align these standards with TESOL standards for ELLs.  I'm starting to freak out a bit because nobody really teaches us how to align standards.  I hope that we can learn a thing or two in this class regarding standards and alignment. 


  1. I completely agree with your comment about aligning all these standards. It becomes very frustrating to try and align 4 different sets of standards all pertaining to the grade level. Sometimes the standards just don't align, and then what do we do with those standards? It's as if the department is trying to fit everything together like a puzzle, but the puzzle pieces don't match up perfectly.

  2. Thank you for sharing this post. I don't think I have heard about this Core Standards and I sure hope that we can learn a thing or two in this class regrading standards and alignment. We should mention it in class the next time we meet face to face so that Dr. Rivera can go over them.

  3. What a coincidence! Two days ago, I heard the name Common Core Standards in my ED673 class. We did not really get into it but I became interested in it. The professor and my classmates mentioned that CCS is widely practiced in GDOE. I want to know about it although I teach in a private school with different standards for ESL classes. A certain percentage of the students from my school go to GDOE or highschools in mainland USA. It would be good for me to know about CCS and share the knowledge with my colleagues in preparing those students for their highschool in the US.
